
Navires méthaniers automsatisés innovants

LNG Carrier

LNG Carrier

Prerequisites :

Target audience :
Personnel working in the LNG transport field, engineers, financial analysts, owners, charterers, terminal operators, ship brokers

Duration :
3 days : (2 days: theory, 1 day: simulator) + (1 day to visit a ship subject to ship availability)

Course objective :
To describe the characteristics, installations and risks of the maritime transport of LNG

Teaching objectives :

  • To describe the LNG market 
  • To explain the characteristics and risks of LNG
  • To describe the various commercial operations (loading, unloading, etc.)
  • To distinguish the various ship installations (cargo equipment, safety equipment, propulsion system, tank types)
  • To describe the organization on board a ship

Course details :

Course combining theoretical elements, feedback and the use of a simulator

Teaching resources :

Dedicated training room: video projector.

Cargo simulator

Detailed program :

  • LNG characteristics
  • Shipbuilding
  • Laws and regulations
  • Tanker system
  • Propulsion system
  • Ship crossing
  • Port operations
  • Special (ship to ship) operations
  • Organization on board a ship
  • Organization around a ship
  • Safety and security on board a ship
  • Cargo equipment
  • Cargo operations
  • Traveling on ballast tanks
  • Loading
  • Traveling loaded
  • Unloading
  • After dry docking
  • Before dry docking

Language :
French – English (depending on attendance)

Assessment methods :
Knowledge assessment (MCQ) at the end of the session

Instructors :
GAZOCEAN expert (Merchant Naval Officer)

Training location :
Ecole Nationale Supérieure Maritime (ENSM) – 39 avenue du Corail – 13008 Marseille France

Rates : 

You are interested by this training, send a mail to

Next sessions : 10 to  12/12/2024 (english version)