
Navires méthaniers automsatisés innovants

Activities & Missions

Activities & Missions

In differents fields of activity
  • LNG Carriers
  • LNG Small Scale & Bunkering
  • Offshore LNG
  • LNG and alternative Fuels Powered Vessels
  • CO2 / LH2 / Ammonia Shipping
  • LNG Shore Terminals

GAZOCEAN supports you and advises you on your projects.

Support from the early stages of their procurement programs for LNG/LPG carriers, FSRUs, …

  • Draft of Outline Specifications,

  • Tenders to SY and/or SO

  • Negociations of SBC and TCPs

  • Marine Studies,

  • Draft of Procedures and Manuals

Representation of Clients for:

• Contract Negociation
• Design Assesment
• Review of Technical documentation
• On site supervision
• Maker’s selection and FAT
• Sea and Gas trails
• Waranty Claims

Assistance to clients commissioning teams of Liquefied Gas, FSRU, LNG Powered vessels and other alternative fuels for:

• Draft of Commissioning Procedures
• Commissioning of equipment and systems
• Gas trails
• Performance tests
• Special Operations (inerting, gasing-up and cooling down, and LNG bunkering and cargo transfer, …)

New technologies

GAZOCEAN is involved in, R&D projects, and contribute to the development of New technologies, regulations and Guidelines for the Industry

    • LNG transfer systems
    • STS studies
    • CNG, CO2, LH2, Ammonia Shipping
    • LNG Logistic (European Project Inland LNG transport)
    • Power Barges
    • Offshore Wind farms development.

Rules and regulations
SIGTTO Guidelines, IGF Codes, IGC Code, French Rules for LNG Powered Vessels <500grt, Tanker Safety Guide, …